For Lewie and the Rover's Patrick, Orla and yes, Lewie, adventure isn’t just a hobby – it’s their day-to-day life. Chatting to Orla while working on the new rig that will carry them on their next adventure from Paris to Dakar, she explains how her family has carved out a unique existence exploring some of the world’s best landscapes. A journey that's about connecting with the world while navigating roads less travelled.

Crafting the Perfect Companion
Central to the trio’s adventures was a Land Rover Defender, affectionately named "Rover" and a finely tuned overlanding powerhouse equipped with accessories like our Shadow Awning that made their life on the road that much more comfortable.
So then why have they traded in their beloved Defender 90 for a double-cab Toyota Hilux?
“After eight months on the road, we realised our setup was ideal for sunny days spent outdoors, but when the weather turned bad, we were stuck sitting in the front,” says Orla. “That’s when the dream of creating a small home on wheels with a cozy indoor living space began to take shape.”
While not everyone is pleased with the change (one commenter cried out on their socials ‘This is a great way to lose all your followers, I unsubscribed!’) most are excited to watch the new rig evolve from standard truck to a home on wheels.
“We’re most excited about having our own little living space in the ModCAP Camper,” says Orla. “After experiencing the cozy setup inside a Canopy Camper from friends we met on the road, we couldn’t stop dreaming about it.”

Lewie and the Toyota?
Orla admits that everyone has been asking the same question – whether changing their vehicle means that they’ll change their name.
“Honestly, we’re not sure what to do since the name has become such a big part of our personal brand,” says Orla. “Plus, Lewie and the Toyota just doesn’t sound as good… For now, we’ve decided to stick with it as is. And we thought: Rover can also refer to ‘exploring’ or ‘wandering’ right?”
Right! After all, overlanding is much more than the vehicle you choose to drive – it’s a practice in mindfulness, resilience and experiencing the world more fully. And while most can only dream of living a life like Patrick, Orla and Lewie do, at least we get to fuel those dreams by following Lewie and The Rover online. But does that ever become a burden?
“We've learned that we don’t need to film every single moment of every day,” says Orla. “There are times when we just choose to live in the moment and don’t document anything, which can be really refreshing. However, it’s also a bit disappointing when something exciting or scary happens, and we forget to film it in the heat of the moment. We often find ourselves regretting not capturing those moments later, especially since they’re usually the most enjoyable to watch.”

Overcoming the Obstacles
A life of adventure comes with its share of challenges. From navigating remote border crossings to improvising repairs in the wild, Orla acknowledges that overlanding is not for the faint-hearted. Something that’s helped them is saying “YES!” more.
“While traveling, we’ve met so many people. Locals, other overlanders, and more who’ve invited us to dinner or to visit their homes or join their barbecue,” says Orla. “Our first instinct is often to decline, whether it’s because we’re tired from a long day of driving or just not feeling social. But then we stop and tell each other, ‘Let’s do it.’ Every single time we’ve said yes, even when we initially wanted to say no, it’s led to some of our most cherished memories.”

Inspiring the Next Generation
For aspiring overlanders, Orla offers sage advice: start small but start now. “You don’t need expensive, high-end gear to get started. Take what you have and start your adventure. That’s exactly what we did. We made the most of our time by squeezing in as many weekend getaways and holiday trips as possible within our 25 annual vacation days.”
Stop procrastinating and just go for it. Orla borrowed camping chairs and a table from family, figured out what they were missing or what would make life easier and gradually added gear to their setup along the way.

Destination 2025
Looking ahead, Lewie and the Rover plans to start the year off driving the old Paris-Dakar route through Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal.
“We’ve been to Morocco before and can’t wait to return, but venturing further south into West Africa will be a whole new experience, and we’re so thrilled to explore it! After that, we plan to return to Europe around spring or early summer and embark on a Euro tour, traveling from Portugal all the way up to Norway.”
There’s so much out there to explore, and for those of us living for the weekend to do trips closer to home, being able to follow Lewie and the Rover allows us to live vicariously through their trips, stories and unique perspectives.

A Philosophy of Adventure
“For us the most rewarding part of living a nomadic lifestyle is the freedom to break away from the monotony of everyday life,” says Orla. “Where each day feels the same as the last. In this lifestyle, every day brings something new – whether it’s meeting new people, exploring different landscapes, or trying new cuisines.”